Underground Graffiti


Endless Graffiti

“Endless Graffiti” Graffiti art at the old abandoned coal pier, located in Philadelphia, PA. ©2012 Susan Candelario SDC Photography

HDR (High Dynamic Range) photographs that I captured from the abandoned Coal Pier #18 located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  Pretty much the entire condemned pier has been decorated with graffiti art.

All of the images were tone-mapped using Nik’s Software HDR Efex Pro 2 and I did a few further tweaks using Nik’s Color Efex Pro 4.

Love Graffiti

“Love Graffiti” A wide view of graffiti art of the famous Love sculpture by american artist Robert Indiana. ©2012 Susan Candelario SDC Photography

Graffiti Love

“Graffiti Love” Graffiti art of the famous Love sculpture by american artist Robert Indiana. ©2012 Susan Candelario SDC Photography




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